Monday, March 06, 2006


For the record, I wrote this post yesterday, but could not gain access to blogger and so I was unable to post:

I would really prefer to be writing about another subject as I very much desire to rant about it, however it is not suitable for this blog because I would not be pleased if certain people read it. Perhaps I will rant about it in a more secured manner later.

Anywho, I just finished Freakonomics, which is an excellent Social Sciences book. It creates a blend of economics, sociology, and psychology that is fun and interesting. It reduces complicated things down to one of my favorite things...numbers. The only problem I see is that sometimes when things get simplified down to numbers something seems to get lost. Perhaps what is lost is solely the vail of morality which we try to cast over things and thus all that is left is the truth, but perhaps an aspect of the truth gets lost as well. Some of the major portions of the book which I enjoyed include how Superman defeated the KKK in real life, how the crack business works, how Roe v. Wade caused the decline of crime in the '90's, and how teachers are like sumo wrestlers.

Think I'll have another glass of Mexican wine

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