Friday, March 25, 2005

I Bless the Rains Down in Africa


Since tweedledopey (other than tweedlegirl) is currently the only person who reads this, I might as well give him a rundown of this evenings activities as he is likely to appreciate them. Other Welbilt fans should also enjoy this.

Welbilt played at Tower tonight, which pretty much means that Tower through Quad a party. Though, we could only get in for the second set, because they were members only for the first set...bastards. In any case, they did a new cover, Toto's "Rains Down in Africa" They also did a new song penned and sung by your favorite bassist and mine, Nick. Very exciting. Welbilt never ceases to astound me with their musical talent. And the music industry never ceases to astound me with their inability to sign them. Sid and I are going to go down to TT Reynolds to see them in the spring. I'm pushing for April 20th, but that may not fly with Sid, so it's looking like a may trip. I told Bill this and he said that he'd set us up with some "fake tits," so I've got that going for me, which is nice.

Oh and I'm pretty sure that they're playing Quad for Dean's Date. Fired up for that one.

And that's the way the toilet flushes (see tweedledopey I don't think that really works too well, and your other suggestion for a sign off is out of the question)

Oh oh maybe i'll sign off with Welbilt lyrics. This one should apply well since my thesis is making very slow progress and also it just randomly started playing on my computer.

It's so beautiful to watch me go down in flames.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could have been there last night. Welbilt is amazing. I'll definitely rock out Dean's Date though!

*looks up, shakes head*

Jack said...

kind of curious as to what that said now

Anonymous said...

You deleted it without reading it??

Jack said...

dopey deleted it himself. See it says "This Post has been removed by the author" as opposed to the other ones I removed which say " This post has been removed by the blog administrator."

Anonymous said...

ohhhhhhhhhhh... I don't have that option! no fair!!

Anonymous said...

how about May 4th? plus you should clarify that April 20th is the day before my thesis is due.

Anonymous said...

I'm in for the road trip to TT reynolds. You guys will need a car anyway, unless you were planning on sid driving his ambulance.

April 20th is the way to go....May 4th is too soon to Dean's Date when they'll be coming back here anyway. Another option: May 18th - hopefully everyone is done with exams by then.

Jack said...

Rehan makesa good point on the May 4th issue. But April 20th is no good for Sid cause of his thesis. This trip has been our baby for over a year now and I'm not about to do it without him. May 18th may be our best bet. Especially since that's after I'm completely done with everything.