Thursday, August 18, 2005

Nerdular Nerdance

phrase - Picking up power converters at Tashi Station
meaning - drinking
source - Star Wars: A New Hope.
explanation - At the beginning of the movie the second line that Luke Skywalker says is "But I wanted to go to Tashi Station to pick up some power converters." He says that because his uncle wants him to fix the robots or something. Anyway, we felt that he sounds like a whiny nerd saying that line, so in order to maintain his badassness I'm assuming that picking up power converters was a euphamism for drinking with his friends. I realize that ironically in my efforts to make Luke less nerdy sounding I have in fact made myself sound more nerdy.

phrase - Shutting down the trash compactors
meaning - hooking up
source - Fett's Vette by MC Chris
explanation - I suppose this is sort of actually from Star Wars considering the song is about Boba Fett and that quote is sort of from the scene in Star Wars when Luke and company are stuck in the garbage masher. In any case shutting down the trash compacors is regular
hooking up and shutting them ALL down would can guess that one.

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