Sunday, September 11, 2005

Glad to see the jumpsuit still fits.

The new season of television has finally begun and oh am I excited. First off, we had the O.C. whose season premiered this past thursday. Oh what a start it was too. Such an emotionally charged episode with the guilty pleasure scenes we've all come to know and love. Such fantastic sequences as Ryan having obtained a haircut on the way to the hospital, the frivolous beach scene in the middle of all the fantastic drama, the clear inferences towards a future lesbian interest between Kirstin and the women played by Geri Ryan (formally the smoking hot 7 of 9 on Star Trek Voyager), who now seems to have an oddly shaped head, and lastly the very melodramatic ending scene in which Ryan relates the story of how his brother once ran away and he didn't know where he went. Totally unneeded scene, in which Ryan was totally overacted.

Next up we had earlier this evening which was the premier of Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, and the War at Home. First of the War at Home was mediocre at best. Had a few laughs in there, but it just wasn't up to par with my general entertainment standards. Simpsons was decent. Can't really expect much when it's the like 14th season of the show. I couldn't really catch much of Family Guy, had to take a phone call. Just like most male college students I'm real excited for more random hilarity filled with allusiveness. American Dad was an acceptable show, good Sunday night fare.

Then we have the shows I'm still greatly anticipating. There's the J.J. Abrams duo of Alias and Lost. Lost of course being the more popular and critically acclaimed of the two. Put I've seen four seasons of Alias now and am greatly attached to the kick-ass spy show. Very excited to find out just what Vaughn's secret was just as he got nailed by that truck in the season finale. Also excited to see the smoking hot Rachel Nichols from The Inside (a show that few saw before it got canceled and I absolutely loved). Few things are sexier than a woman with a gun.

Lost will be good of course. Don't really have much to say on the subject, most people know Lost's deal. Crazy sci-fi series that generally gives you more questions than answers. The whole flashback thing is pretty sweet. Rumor has it that lots of questions will be answered in Episode 3. I'm skeptical, but will of course watch.

I've got other shows I'm looking forward to as well, but for now I must retire.

I don't want to lose your love tonight
I just want to use your love tonight

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