Monday, February 13, 2006


Kevin Federline is quikly becoming the biggest joke in the music industry. His recent single Popozao is being played by DJ's across the country at the end of the night to get the inevitable stragglers to go home. The internet community has seized upon this song and K Fed's various public self-humiliations.

First of all there's his "jamming" which is equally as heinous as his song, which was featured on MTV. Then there's the same video with Popozao being replaced with a far superior song. Then there's Access Hollywood's thrilling expose into the mind of K Fed. And we've got man panties for whiggers.

I saved the best for last. Conan O'Brien brought in James Lipton of Inside the Actor's Studio, to perform his tribute to K Fed.

If all this comedic gold is mined from just one song, imagine the hilarity that will ensue upon the release of his full album, tentatively titled "Rearranged", because it will rearrange our false perceptions of him.

Gatinha sai do chão, vai descendo o popozão, 
gatinha sai do chão, vai descendo o popozão.

In Portugese it means “bring your ass”,
on the floor, and move it real fast.
I want to see your kitty and a little bit of titty–
want to know where I go when I’m your city?

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