Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Penis Statues

Man how obvious is it that I wrote that last post at 11:59, scrambling to get it in before midnight? I'm afraid that I don't really have much more to discuss today. I just received this weeks issue of newsweek, so hopefully that should provide me with some thoughts to post later on in the week. How about a little Oscar review.

I thought Jon Stewart was pretty good considering the predicament that he was placed in. I don't really know that he was the right pick for hosting them. His jokes, while quite funny to me and my ilk, seemed to be rather hit or miss with the Hollywood audience. Apparently Hollywood can't take a joke. Also, I feel like he may not have really been appealing to the mass audience that was viewing the awards, instead hitting home with his standard target audience of Daily Show viewers. His jokes about "It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp" and the one about Cheney shooting Bjork if she had shown up (combining current events with the swan dress Bjork wore last year).

As for the awards themselves I guess I can't really judge whether or not I feel like the people who got them deserved them. I don't think I've seen any of the movies. What I'm pretty sure of is that Brokeback to the Future should have won best picture and Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd should have won best actor and best supporting actor respectively. Reese Witherspoon won Best Actress for Walk the Line. Of all the movies up for Oscars I think that's the one I'll most likely see. I'm also interested in Crash (Best Picture) and Good Night and Good Luck. The other movies don't really interest me much. Brokeback Mountain is clearly just a cheap ploy to cop off the popularity of Brokeback to the Future. For SHAME Ang Lee, for SHAME. Why don't you make an ORIGINAL movie that isn't mouching of the popularity of something that has alread deemed to be a masterpiece.

Yesterday i went outside
With my momma's mason jar
Caught a lovely butterfly
When I woke up today
Looked in on my fairy pet
She had withered all away
No more sighing in her breast


resqagent said...

you know i have a picture of an actual penis statue along a canal in amsterdam. pretty interesting.

Anonymous said...

I HAVE that pic!!! I was there!