Friday, March 03, 2006

Testicular Testing

Today I took a diagnostic test for the last entrance exam that I am qualified to take. I took the actual GRE's in October and took a diagnostic GMAT shortly thereafter. Today I took a diagnostic LSAT. The software came with my GRE prep stuff, so I figured I might as well take it to see how I might do. On the GMAT I scored roughly in the same percentile as I got on my GRE, which was interesting since I actually studied for the GRE. It's somewhat understandable since there is a large amount of crossover between the two tests, but I feel like I might be more naturally inclined to the types of questions the GMAT's asks, particularly the Data Sufficiency questions. The DS's seem to be the ones that give people the most trouble and they seem to come fairly natural to me. The LSAT didn't go quite as well as I would have hoped. I attribute this mostly to the fact that I was fairly lackadaisical about it and didn't pay too much attention to it and the fact that I didn't have paper and pencil on hand. I did about as well as I would have hoped on Logical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension (actually better than I would have hoped, in all other standardized tests RC is usually my weakest point), however I did extremely poorly on the Logic Games section (LG accounted for at least 60% of my incorrect answers). So lesson learned there. I should make sure that I have a pen and paper handy for that if I decide to actually take it in real life. Also, maybe I would need to practice those games a little bit, which I can't really say is the most aversive thing imaginable since I tend to enjoy LG's.

You'd do anything but I won't yeah
You say what you think and I don't
You want things to be just fine yes
And I like being out of line
You know where you are and I'm lost
Think that I won't get too far, well I'm not
you're still lying next to me
Isn't that where you've always wanted to be
Wanted to be
Yeah yeah ah oh oh oh
Yeah ah oh


Anonymous said...

Are you applying to laws chools, or did you just take the LSAT for fun? I'm incredibly happy that I am forever done with standardized testing -- med students still have boards and other exams, while because of the program I'm in I don't even have comps or quals. And from what I've heard, pen and paper are absolutely necessary for the logic games part. I've never taken the exam, but I remember when people were studying for it. Joel definitely did some studying for it in the Quad library, and claimed that the logic games part was actually a lot of fun.

Jack said...

I just took them for fun and to get an idea of how I would do if I decided to take them. I'd agree with Joel, the logic games seem like they'd be fun to study for, especially without any sort of time pressure.