Interesting. Not really sure if I totally agree with this, but that are some essences of truth in there. If you're reading this and you don't think this fits my personality at all, you probably haven't worked with me before. My friends know me as a fairly emotional person, maybe too much so, but that's really just in my personal life. Professional I do become slightly more heartless, demanding, and extremely logical.our distinct personality, The Black Knight, might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. Your overriding goal is to win. You approach each task or situation as a contest to be won strategically and efficiently. Because you can control your feelings, it is not unusual for you to charm, as well as successfully delegate tasks and responsibilities to the more emotional types. You are often concerned with what's in it for you. You seldom involve yourself in activities where you can not foresee a reward for your investment or effort. On the positive side, you can be analytically empathic and logically persuasive. On the negative side, you may be unemotionally manipulative as well as impulsive. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms.
I won't give you no money
I always pay
Na Na, why don't you get a job
I got Prime Minister. I forgot to cut and paste.
Happy birthday
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