Sunday, April 16, 2006

The End of an Era

Ok, so it's only a 40 day era. The point is it's over. In case you forgot, over 40 days ago I pledged to make a blog post for every day of lent. Lent is now officially over, so that burden is no longer mine. I didn't really do it for the religious aspect, I had other Lenten promises to fulfill that need, it was more of a thing that I just wanted to do. Not that anyone really noticed as my readership is rather low. That's rather understandable considering the number of crap posts I've put out as a result of this blog a day thing. I know I stumbled a few times, missed various day and in some cases posted 3 or 4 days late, but I have one post up for EVERY day of Lent. They may have not been posted on each date, but hey, what I did was good enough for me, sometimes circumstances prevented me from posting, such as being away all weekend or quite simply not knowing what the hell I should write about today. All in all I think it was a good exercise and I'm glad I did it, but I'm also quite glad to have it be over. I will now return to posting whenever I have something specific to write about, so hopefully my average blog quality will rise as the quantity is reduced. There were times during this exercise that I was remiss that my already mediocre wit was further dulled by my daily deadlines. I plan on posting at least once a week, hopefully I'll be coming up with more than that though.


But if I can't swim after forty days
And my mind is crushed by the thrashing waves
Lift me up so high that I cannot fall

Lift me up

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