Friday, September 08, 2006

This Whole Facebook Thing

Had an interesting convo with a friend of mine regarding this whole facebook fiasco. It ended up diverting into such issues as the whether a majority of people thinking something's right makes it probably right. Somehow the conversation got a whole lot more intellectual then it really needed to be. It starts off with the discussion of the guy who created a facebook group called:

If this group reaches 100,000 my girlfriend will have a threesome.

Last time I checked it had just below 60K

J: yo there's a group on facebook
J: called if this group hits 100,000
R: the threesome group
J: ...yes
R: i just saw it a minute ago
R: he has 57K already
J: hav eyou seen it's growth chart?
R: no
R: wow
R: crazy
R: did you see it from news feed
J: yeah
J: x had joined it
R: 5 of my friends have
J: haha
R: oh did you hear
R: the anti-news feed campaign seems to have been victorious
R: according to yahoo news they are making it optional tomorrow
J: you people are retarded
J: if you don't want to look at the feed, what's really the difference between the way it was and the way it is?
J: so it's there? you can just ignore it
J: the front page was always useless
J: well, i'm happy they've made it optional, it'll shut all you whiney bitches up
R: haha
R: and then it will be totally useless to you
J: i don't really care
J: quite honestly, they people who you'd be concerned about seeing information the "stalkers" are still going to see it
J: tomorrow i'll still be able to see the same amount of information of all of my friends as I did yesterday
J: it just means that you ahve to work a little harder to find it
R: yes but at least it is harder
J: and by harder i mean searching for your name and looking at your profile
J: not really
R: yeah
R: i mean
R: you arent going to notice that i became friends with someone random
J: i guess, but do you really care if I know that?
J: facebook is a public forum, and people should be aware of that
R: i dont care if you know anything on my profile, really
J: all that this feature did is pull the curtain away to reveal the wizard
R: but, there's a difference
R: it's like
J: your information is on the internet and it's incredibly easy to find anything out on there
R: on a given day, i might go to the store, get lunch at mcdonalds, and watch a movie
R: anyone in theory could know this if they followed me around
R: but, no one actually does
R: so this is like as if there was a camera following me everywhere that broadcast this to people
J: not really
J: the old facebook would be like if a camera followed you around all day
J: and anyone who wanted to look at that camera could
J: or any of your "friends" could
J: the new facebook would be just throwing in your video into a mesh with all of my other friends videos
J: your information is already exposed and very easy to access
R: yes, but the point is, no one cares to do it
R: except people who actually care, like your real friends
R: who would often know anyway
J: actually your real friends probably wouldn't either
R: like i am friends with y
J: the only people that would are stalkers
R: on facebook
R: he can do whatever he wants to his profile, and it doesnt really affect me
R: but, with news feed, i know every single thing he does, even though i dont care
R: are you saying i shouldnt be friends with y on facebook?
J: you only know every single thing because you read the news feed
J: facebook isn't forcing you to read the news feed
J: you can go in and click on your profile or click on your friends list just as easily and quickly as ever
J: are you saying you miss the old screen which had absolutely now information that anyone cares about?
R: yeah pretty much
R: i mean it told you if you had a new message
J: it's not like you have to read through the news feed in order to do anyting on facebook
R: or invite to group/party
R: and that's pretty much all that was necessary
J: you don't have to sort through the news feed to find out you've gotten a message or been invited to a group
J: it appears in the toolbar on the left
R: i know you dont
J: so i really don't see what the problem is
J: you're not being forced to use it
J: it's just there
J: ignore it
R: yeah, but i mean, similarly, i dont feel like everything i do needs to be broadcast to y
J: meanwhile i appreciate and use it, and the petition to revert facebook wants to take away my option to be able to use it
J: limiting my ability
R: it goes both ways
J: if it wasn't for the news feed, i wouldn't know that z might be coming to california soon
R: yeah but i mean if 90% of people agree something is a bad idea, it probably is
J: now wouldn't it be a shame for both of us if she came out here and i didn't get a chance to hang out
R: well you know what that means
J: that's a terrible argument
R: she doesnt like you very much
R: if i was coming to cali, i would certainly let you know
J: just because everyone agrees that something is a bad idea doesn't make it a bad idea
J: no, it just means that she wouldn't think to tell me
J: or maybe she doesn't realize that i'm in cali
J: z’s not really a good enough friend that i talk to her all the time and we don't keep up on each other's lives
J: but i'd like to hang out with her if she was out here
J: i'm still flabergasted by this statement something is a bad idea, it probably is
J: wait not that
J: R: yeah but i mean if 90% of people agree something is a bad idea, it probably is
J: that
R: i think that's pretty accurate
R: counter-example?
J: 90% of the world thought that the world was flat at one point
R: hahaha
J: 90% of the world thought that everything revolved around the sun
R: that is not the same thing
J: earth^
R: that is a fundamental lack of knowledge and facts
R: this is something based on opinion
J: ok, if you want to argue on those grounds
J: opinions can't be right or wrong
J: unless they're regarding facts
J: or they're proved
R: that's not true either
J: if someone is of the opinion that abortion is wrong
R: you can have a wrong opinion
J: how?
J: you can have an opinion that goes against popular opinion
R: ok well
J: that doesn't make it wrong
R: i guess what you're saying is that it's right in your own mind
R: which is true
J: well yeah, if someone holds an opinion than it's right in their own mind
R: obviously
R: so.....a suicide victim
R: he is of the opinion his life is not worth it
R: is that a correct opinion?
J: well, my opinion is that he is wrong, but that's just my opinion
R: i am pretty sure that is an example of a wrong opinion in the sense i meant it
J: who's to really say that my opinion is right though
J: maybe his life isn't worth it
J: it's not truly objective
R: ok, well likewise....who's to say that your opinion is right with facebook?
R: only you
J: i'm not saying it is
R: and many other people disagree
J: but you're saying yours is
R: ok what i meant is that if 90% of people believe something, you need to re-examine your views and see why there is such a disconnect
J: i have plenty of reasons
R: because most likely, you are wrong on it
J: but all of my reasons find fault in the other people
J: see again how can you say that
R: whether on moral/logical/whatever grounds
J: if 90% of people were under the impression that I was a witch
R: but that would never happen
R: key word, if
J: fine
J: in Salem 90% of a town thought someone was a witch
J: so that 10% is wrong?
J: popular opinion is often wrong
J: i'm not saying it definitly is in this case
R: ok, that is a good example
J: just saying that "everyone else agrees with me" is not a justifiable argument
R: again though, i think there are slight differences which make this a different case
J: besides, how do you really know that 90% are against it?
J: because 90% of your friends hate it?
J: that's a skewed sample
J: because there's been all this outcry?
R: because those people were uneducated, and based opinion on what the town leaders etc said
J: well maybe the people who like it dont' care enough to say anything
R: well
J: plus a mob mentality can form
J: maybe the "leader" of their group doesn't like it
J: they'll follow suit and change their own opinions
J: there are plenty of people that might hvae been on the fence had they seen it themselves
J: but they get a message from an outraged friend saying "this is terrible"
J: already their opinion is skewed
R: but i mean that could go both ways
R: like they could get a message from a friend being like "this is awesome" and do the same thing
J: yeah, but people are more liketly to speak out based on outrage
J: and to be more enthusiastic about their endeavors when they don't like something
R: anyway, i need to go to bed now, because i have class
J: people who don't like things always raise a bigger stink than those who do
J: that's why you can get a DUI with a .08% blood alcohol level
J: even though a large majority of accidents are from people who have a much higher BAC
J: MADD raises a big sting
J: stink
J: and they have a lot of money about them and they're passionate about their agenda
J: so their concerns are addressed
J: meanwhile who's going to speak out on the other side?
J: what senator can say "hey, i'm agains lowering the BAC drunk driving level"
R: ok but again
J: nobody, because MADD well then go on a massive campaign against them and slaughter their public image
R: doesnt apply in this case
R: no one is going to lose their job for saying news feed is good
J: i might have gone a little off track
J: my point was that sometimes the minority can wield the power of a majority
J: mostly because people who are against something are usually more passionate about being against than those who are for it
J: Like I like the facebook thing, but I really don't care enough to create groups in support of it
J: i'm mostly interested in this whole fiasco from an academic perspective
J: and the fact that people are responding to this the same way that our users respond when we make a change to our application
J: in any case, i need to go to bed too
J: later

Since you've gone I been lost without a trace
I dream at night I can only see your face
I look around but it's you I can't replace
I keep crying baby please

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