Friday, October 27, 2006

Going Going Back Back to Philly Philly

In case any of you aren't aware, I'm going to be returning to Philadelphia in about 19 days. Well, if you'd like the exact amount of time from when you're reading this, I suggest checking out the counter on my myspace. Yes, I was too dumb to figure out how to get the stupid thing to show up in my blog.

The exact date and time of my return will be November 16th at about 7 in the morning. Yes, I'm taking a red eye. And now the extra good news, due to the fact that I work for a virtual company and telecommute most days, I'll be home until November 28th. More importantly, that's two whole weekends. So, I'll likely be visiting New York for a night, Princeton, and of course several nights in Old City, Hulmeville, and the other fine areas in and around the great city of Philadelphia. I'm very much excited.

In other news, this weeks South Park was very entertaining. The highlight for me being the storyline involving Butters and Biggie Smalls. I'm not really going to go into the details, suffice to say hilarity ensues. Much of the interaction is highlighted in this clip from youtube. The best part is about two minutes in with Butters seeing I'm going back to Cali.

My cargo
One Eighteen
Sippin on booze
At the House of Blues

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