Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Valentine's Day Manifesto Reprise

It's become something of a tradition for me to post my Valentine's Day Manifesto, which I wrote two years ago during my senior year in college. I sent this email out to quad (my eating club), which consists of both male and female members. If you would prefer to maintain some semblence of a perception of masculinity of me, I would suggest skipping this post and instead think about the fact that this weekend I went to a BBQ ribs restaurant where I used white bread as napkins. If you would like a look into my sentimental side or otherwise need to be cheered up on Valenentine's Day, read on. I got a lot of positive response from womenfolk who were not happy on Valentine's Day regarding this email. Apparently I say something right. I actually think this email really changed my personal perspective on life and love, so I consider it to be one of the most important things I've ever written. I generally perceive life in a much more positive light and feel that I'm a much kinder person as a result of the personal revelations I had while writing this. Most changes to the original manifest are marked in red.

So here it is, I bear my soul for all to see.


Hey all,

As I walked back to my room from Quad, I began to reflect on the number of people I've heard hate on Valentine's Day over the years. Things like the fact that it's a Hallmark Holiday (I'd like to point out that while Valentine's day, like all of our holidays, has become highly commercialized, unlike true Hallmark holidays such as Mother's Day and Father's day, Valentine's Day has it's roots in the Roman Empire and has been celebrated for centuries. Thus it is merely a true holiday that in some ways has been hijacked by Hallmark much in the same way that Christmas has been hijacked by Best Buy), the fact that they're alone, or just a general distaste for sweetness and lovely dovey holiday cheer are all reasons that people have disliked this tribute to St. Valentine. I could never understand this viewpoint. I've been single for 20/21 of my Valentine's Day [ed: if we include this year i'm now 1/22 on having a girlfriend on Valentine's day and 0/22 on obtaining a Valentine's Day kiss] and I've never felt that that was a reason to turn it into a day of mourning and wallowing.

Warning: this is where Jack's sappy sentimental side comes out.

I've realized that my difference of opinion on the day lies not in the situation that I'm in on Valentine's day, because I'm almost always single (including at this moment ladies ;)), but rather my belief of what the purpose of Valentine's Day is. I've always taken it, to be more than just a day to dote on a fair lass, but as a day to celebrate all the love you experience in your life. From the love of your family, the love you experience in friendship, the love that exists in the Quad family, and the love that exists between mankind. Sure there's discord in families, there're quarrels in friendships, there are some people who hate on Quad, and their is hate between mankind too, but today is a day that you look past all that and focus on the good. That's why I think we need Valentine's day and why I believe it should be celebrated. Today is a day in which we focus on the good that we experience in life because of those we care about, those we love, and those who have done us good in the past. I love Valentine's day because I love being reminded about how much people care about me. It can get me out of a funk and reminds me that while sometimes I may feel alone, in reality I never am and neither are you. At this University and in the world in general it can be so easy to get lost in some of the miserable things that can bog us down. From being turned down by somebody you care about to the work that we have to do everyday to some of the horrible things that happen in the world. Valentine's Day is a day you should use to reflect on those things that do go right, because no matter how lonely you are and how much people may not seem to care, there's always someone out there who loves and cares for you, and today you focus on those people.

So, to celebrate Valentine's Day, show those people who love and care for you how much you appreciate them. You don't necessarily need to buy them flowers, chocolates, or bottles of crush soda, just tell them. Catch them at dinner, call them, fire off an email, just let them know what they mean to you. I guarantee you that they will appreciate it and it'll make you feel better about yourself too. Apologize to someone you may have hurt, forgive someone who has scorned you, make someone else feel special today, cheer up a lonely heart, let people know that you care. Valentine's Day is a happy day. Let it show.
And if you're feeling really down and lonely roll into Quad and remember the family you have there :).

First thing I'm doing when I wake up on Valentine's Day, calling Momma.
Sorry if I made anyone vomit (or vom as Erica would say) as a result of this email.
I love you guys,



In any case I post this every year because I figure that if it brightens even one persons day taht it's totally worth any mocking that I receive. Have a very Happy Valentine's Day and if you really need a valentine, you should know that I'm a valentine whore.

I raised my hand as if to show you that I was yours
That I was so yours for the taking
I'm so yours for the taking
Thats when I felt the wind pick up
I grabbed the rail while choking up
These words to say and then you kissed me...

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