Friday, July 13, 2007

My Quiz - The Answer Key


Q: What school did I graduate from?

A: Princeton - if you got this wrong, clearly we've never met

Q: Of how many names does my full name consist?

A: I claim the answer is 5, but some people have debated as to whether or not IV is a name or not.  My full name is John Joseph Francis Fleming IV

Q: What do I consider to be the perfect movie?

A: The Princess Bride.  I mean it's a story of true love and high adventure., it's got something for everyone no matter what your genderic tendencies

Q: What is my sibling situation?

A: 1 younger sister, 1 younger brother.  I was glad to see my sister got this one right.

Q: What's my hometown

A: Oh tricky one.  Hulmeville is the answer.

Q: What do I consider to be the best TV show?

A: Probably the hardest question on the test, I love all of the options and Lost is my favorite show that currently airs.  But no media has illicited the emotion and general investment that I have in the story and characters as Carnivale did?

Q: I dislike

A: I adore muppets.  My job is awesome.  Picking at scabs doesn't bother me, but for those of you who used to read my blog a while back, you know that I truly hate Automatically flushing toilets.  My diatribe on the subject can be found here.  It's my largest bathroom pet peeve, the second largest being bathroom attendants.

Q: The thing that I think California does the worst compared to the east coast is?

A: While it's true the pizza sucks out here, the absolute worst thing is that I haven't gotten a really good sandwich out here.  I had one from an italian deli the other day that was actually decent, but nothing matches the cold cut manipulating abilities of a true east coast guido.

Q: What is my favorite type of beer?

A: Hefeweizen.  Hands down., I love that stuff.  What's with all the people who said I.P.A, I can't remember the last time I had one of those.  I considered having Lager on this list, but that would then include Yuengling, which is indeed the best beer ever, so I thought that would confuse things.  In conclusion, best type of beer Hef, best individual beer Yuengling Lager.

Q: What is my greatest failing with the fairer sex? 

A: I get caught in the friend zone...all the fricking time.  Although after I made this quiz Iwas discussing some of my old relationships and I coined the phrase "Oblivious to the Obvious."  That may really be the greater failing.

Q: To what song do I do my butt dance?

A: 50 cent - Disco Inferno.  Sadly Gracie didn't take this test and she's probably the only one who would have known the answer to this question.  Shake Shake that ass girl. 

Q: What's my favorite type of liquor

A: Amaretto baby.  Specifically Disaronno.  I considered writing that, but I thought that writing a specific brand would give this away.  A certain coMoose after he got this question wrong (He bought my first bottle of Disaronno:

CoMoose: not bourbon!?!


CoMoose: damn it

Me: i figured specifically naming the brand would give it away

CoMoose: i should never have bought thato ne

CoMoose: if only i had known that 3 years down the line, this was going to happen

Q: Who is my favorite author:

A: Douglaas Adams

Q: What is my favorite party theme

A: Anyone who went to Princeton with me should have gotten this, Jersey Trash.  I'm literally the poster boy for Quad Jersey Trash.

Q: Which of these are my favorites?

A: Ah, those who know me as the Vatican Ninja were thrown.  Corect answer is Pirates

Q: What is my favorite color?

A: Green.

Q: What is the most important thing to me about the next car I buy?

A: Convertible.  I want to see the SUN!!!

Q: What do I consider to be my best physical feature?

A: The guns baby.

Q: What is my standard ringtone?

A: This was actually really hard, since my phone never rings, thus making it hard for people to know what the ringtone is.  Erica none the less got this right.  Send Me On My Way by Rusted Root.  Look it up.

Q: What is the dominant aspect of my sense of humor?

A: Randomness.  Blame Douglas Adams for that.  Apparently other people disagree.

Q: For which artist do I own the largest number of songs?

A: Tim McGraw 96 songs.  And I think he just put out a new cd...


All I wanna do is let it be and be with you and watch the wind blow by.

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