It appears that France has decided to put up a fight against iPod giant Apple. A stance which I very much approve of because I think the iPod way of doing business is quite shitty and allows for a weak by popular product to continue to assert dominance in the mp3 market. I've discussed previously how I wholeheartedly disapprove of the Apple policy of having a special file format for m

p3's that can only be played with iPod or iTunes. A policy which is utter shit, capitalisticly successful shit, but shit none the less. They claim that their file format is an effort to reduce music piracy. In reality it's a way to maintain dominance of the mp3 product without actually improving on the product. They are in essence holding people's music files hostage to prevent them from switching to an alternate mp3 player. If you wanted to switch to a different brand of mp3 player, you would basically be abandoning any music you bought through iTunes, therefore, people who are unhappy with the product must stick with it to prevent the tragic loss of their digital media. This can not be the only solution to ending music pirating, it's intrusive and evil. That's right, I said Apple was evil, a term typically reserved for Microsoft in the tech world. Anyway, France is fighting against this and trying to get them to open up their DRM so that other mp3 players can play their files or something like that. It doesn't look like a similar thing is going to be happening anytime soon in the U.S. as our government is apparently
backing up the fruit company against the proposed French law. To me the iPod has damn near a monopoly and this fact will become more apparent as time wears on and people who would like to leave the hardware for another brand realize that they are unable to do so, without leaving their music collections behind. I have to say I find all of this news rather surprising as I feel like
Apple and France are kindred spirts (below).
She said "Tell me are you a Christian"
And I said "Ma'am I am tonight"
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